
Month: August 2016

Translating Bluemix Applications using Microsoft Visual Studio Code

Posted by in Bluemix, Globalization

With all the excitement about the Globalization Pipeline service on IBM Bluemix we are thrilled to share with you a new extension we have created for Microsoft Visual Studio Code that lets you access the service directly from the Visual Studio Code editor. Checkout this short video on how to get started using the extension.

Creating Multilingual Bots with Watson Conversation

Posted by in Bluemix, Watson

One of the cool new features in Watson Conversation in IBM Bluemix is the ability to support a global audience by creating language specific versions of your bots. In this blog post I will give you some best-practices for creating bots in other languages. To create a bot in a language other than English simply select…

Collecting Input and Recording State in Watson Conversation

Posted by in Bluemix, Watson

With the recent arrival of Watson Conversation on IBM Bluemix, developers are wanting to generate very sophisticated conversational bots that need to collect input and record state. In this blog post I will show you how to accept input in a conversational dialog and record state changes in your conversation. After you have created your…

Using Capita TI SmartMATE with IBM Globalization Pipeline on Bluemix

Posted by in Bluemix, Globalization

One of the great features of the IBM Globalization Pipeline service on Bluemix is the ability to select the machine translation engine you want to use to translate your applications. This gives you great flexibility to choose the engine that gives you the best results for the type of application you are translating. Currently, you…

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